Sunday, April 01, 2007

TISP from Google - Free ISP

Ok i couldnt believe this article, so if you dont believe me too go ahead and read this.

Google as it rocks in new technologies came up with this new feature / service / technology called Google TISP - Google Toilet ISP. (wait wait dont laugh)

For internet access you need a medium to send data, so it is either telephone line or cable tv line or why not sewage line ???? every home is connected via sewage so why not use it !!!!!!

Who on earth can up with an idea like this other than google. You still dont believe me, see this link on google site itself and the installation steps.

Ok here is how it goes more interesting, they also collect DNA info and send you ads accordingly.

Whew Whew !!!!!!!!

ok scroll down,




Guys comon take a break, today is APRIL FOOL and so google is playing a prank on us.

So use your toilet for what it is supposed to be and not for ISP.

If you dont believe me, check other google april fool products like,

Google Romance -

Google Pulp -

Mentel Plex -

Google Job on the moon -

Ha ha ha ha ha, you cannot fool me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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